The Compare Menu

The Compare menu is available only when the policy screen is being viewed. It includes all the analysis functions of the analyze menu but is specifically designed to apply them to the policy being viewed.


Combine CPTs Creates a set containing a combination of items from both sets (Union)
Common CPTs Creates a set of those items contained in both sets (intersection)
Subtract CPTs Creates a Set of items in Set one but Not in Set two (Difference)
Subtract From Creates a Set of items in Set one but Not in Set two (Difference)
Combine ICD9s Creates a set containing a combination of items from both sets (Union)
Common ICD9s Creates a set of those items contained in both sets (intersection)
Subtract ICD9s Creates a Set of items in Set one but Not in Set two (Difference)
Subtract From Creates a Set of items in Set one but Not in Set two (Difference) 
Save Policy Sets to Disk Saves the CPT and ICD9 sets defined by this Policy