The Analyze Menu

Create Sets from CPTs Creates CPT, ICD9 or Policy Sets from a selection of CPT Codes
Create Sets from ICD9s Creates CPT, ICD9 or Policy Sets from a selection of ICD9 Codes
Create Sets from Policies Creates CPT, ICD9 or Policy Sets from a selection of Policy Codes
Create Sets from Policy-CPTs Creates CPT, ICD9 or Policy Sets from a selection of Policy CPT Codes
Create Sets from Policy-ICD9s Creates CPT, ICD9 or Policy Sets from a selection of Policy ICD9 Codes
Analyze CPT Sets Compares sets of CPT codes via Intersection, Union and Difference operators
Analyze ICD9 Sets Compares sets of IVD9 codes via Intersection, Union and Difference operators
Analyze Policy Sets Compares sets of Policies via Intersection, Union and Difference operators